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Image by Levi Meir Clancy

Submission Guidelines

Image by Levi Meir Clancy
  1. The subject and theme of the blog should deal with any contemporary topic related to international humanitarian law. We expect the submissions to be of interpretive, exploratory, and non-descriptive style.

  2. The article should reflect original and unpublished work of the author. Descriptive pieces are discouraged. The authors should submit analytical work. A maximum similarity of 8% is permissible.

  3. Co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed.

  4. Authors should use hyperlinks within the text itself for citing the resources instead of footnotes.

  5. If hyperlinking the resources is not possible, authors may use Oxford Standard OSCOLA (4th edition) or any uniform citation style to cite authorities as endnotes.

  6. Authors should restrict their submissions between 1500-1800 words. However, if an article is of high contemporary relevance with a very novel analysis, though exceeding the prescribed word limit, can be published as a two-part blog post at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

  7. A short 100-200 word Abstract of the submission has to be submitted in form of a separate doc-file.

Formatting Guidelines: The authors should strictly adhere to the following format for submission-

  1. Submissions should be made in Microsoft Word (.doc) format.

  2. The language used should be British English.

  3. Authors must adhere to the following formatting style; Font style: Times New Roman, Font size: 12 and Line spacing: 1.5. The body of the document should be justified.

  4. Guest authors should include, in addition to the above information, a short bio and attach a photograph with the mail.

  5. Submissions are to be reviewed on a rolling basis. The Editorial Board may take up to 15 days for the review of submissions.

  6. The Editorial Board reserves the right to summarily reject any topic that has already been covered on our blog. The Editorial Board also has full discretion to reject articles at any stage.

  7. Cross-publications are not allowed.

  8. Copyright of all published blog posts shall remain with the Centre. All Moral Rights shall vest with the author(s). 

  9. While submitting the blog, the author shall mention a declaration in the mail as follows: “If selected for publication, the author gives the copyright of the work to the Centre. The author also declares that this is the original and unpublished work of the author(s)”.

  10. In relation to any dispute, the decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding. 

For any queries relating to the blog, please reach out to us at


Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Bhadson Road, Sidhuwal, Patiala, Punjab - 147001, INDIA

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